
Give everyone a nice Christmas.

Steun het werk van deze mensen in Faslabad en doneer op bankrekeningnummer NL85INGB0008603457 tnv Stichting Hart Hulp Hoop o.v.v. Faslabad

It is already the month of December, end of the year many people are suffering all over the world, but especially children in many countries. Hunger, no proper clothes, no sturdy shoes and the feeling of being abandoned by everyone. You no longer have parents or your husband or wife has died.
What makes them happy is a well-filled stomach and clothes that protect them from the cold.
In many houses where here in Europe there is an abundance that food is thrown away or old clothes are thrown in the garbage, there are many countries, but also here in Europe people are happy with a plate of food every two days. There is poverty in many countries, namely the Netherlands, Germany, Pakistan, Uganda, Italy, Philippines, Bulgaria you name it.
There is no ordinary meal, let alone a Christmas meal, we as the Hart Hulp Hoop Foundation want to make a difference for a number of projects in the Netherlands, Germany, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Uganda and the Philippines, but we cannot do it without your help.
Support our action by transferring an amount to the bank account number NL85INGB0008603457 of Stichting Hart Hulp Hoop, stating: Give everyone a nice Christmas.